This lifeform is found in western Africa.
Marginate Achatina (Archachatina marginata) is found from the Cameroons south into Zaire. This large snail can grow to over 6.5 inches.
Achatinidae family contains the largest land snails some of which can be up to eight inches long. The family is found only in the African region but several species have been introduced around the world. There are 123 different genera in this family. Achatina fulica, a well-known world-wide vegetation eater, belongs here. This pest has caused problems in the Unted States (Florida), India, and Madagascar.
Pulmonata Order contains the land slugs, freshwater snails, and land snails.
Gastropods (Class Gastropoda) contain the snails, conchs, and similar snail-like animals. There are about 105,000 species of gastropods. This class is divided into several separate orders:
Sub Class Streptoneura (57,000 species)
Order Diotocardia: Two sets of organs
Order Monotocardia: One set of organs
Sub Class Euthyneura (48,000 species)
Order Cephalaspidea: thin shells, etcetera
Order Nudibranchia: sea slugs
Order Pulmonata: snails and slugs
Mollusks (Phylum Mollusca) are a large and varied group of animals. Some species are found on land; others are found in freshwater; many are found in the oceans of the world. The most familiar mollusks have an external shell surrounding a soft body. Well-known examples of mollusks are snails and clams. The major classes are as follows:
Ablacophora: Worm appearing
Polhyplacophora (Amphineura): Chitons
Scaphopoda: Tusk Shells
Gastropoda: Gastropods
Bivalvia (Pelecypoda): Clams, etcetera
Cephalopoda: Octopus, Nautilus
Monoplacophora: A recent discovery
Animal Kingdom contains numerous organisms that feed on other animals or plants. Included in the animal kingdom are the lower marine invertebrates such as sponges and corals, the jointed legged animals such as insects and spiders, and the backboned animals such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.