This lifeform is found from central California north to British Columbia.
Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana) is found in the coastal mountain range from Oregon south to San Francisco. This is a large tree with valuable strong wood. The leaves are typical of the White Oak group with normal lobes and deep indentations. This species can be up to 90 feet tall. The subspecies breweri is a shrub form of this species that is usually less than 20 feet tall.
Quercus genus (Oak trees) is a well-known genus found in the northern hemisphere as well as in South America and northern Africa. Although there are about 300 to 600 species known worldwide, only about 65 of them are found in temperate North America. Kartesz lists 86 species, 98 hybrids, and 35 subspecies as being found in his greater North America, which includes the United States, Canada, Hawaii, Greenland, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. To facilitate study of this genus, many authors break it into halves, red oaks and white oaks. Typically, the red oaks have lobes in the leaves that end in spines, while the white oaks have lobes that are rounded. Although many of the red oaks have very pretty wood that is sometimes used for wood flooring, the white oaks are known for a hard wood that is useful for tool handles and furniture. Some of the species in the genus are evergreen, but most of the North American species shed their leaves in the fall. The fruit, commonly known as an acorn, consists of a detachable nut that is grown under an inverted cup.
Oaks of the Pacific Coast region. Deer Oak (Quercus sadleriana) a small shrub of northwestern California and southwestern Oregon is not mentioned in Miller and Lamb and is not pictured here. Leather Oak (Quercus durata) also found in California, is also not pictured.
Oak and Beech Family (Fagaceae) has about 600 species usually divided into about six different genera. The most common genus in North America is the Oak (Quercus) genus. This is a large and important genus that contains many valuable species of trees. To facilitate study of Quercus, the Oak and Beech Family have been divided into several different sections as follows:
Non Oak Group (N. American) (Beeches, etc)
Red Oaks of Eastern USA
White Oaks of Eastern USA
Oaks of West Texas
Oaks of SW USA (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, etc)
Oaks of Pacific Coast region (California, Oregon, etc.)
Eurasian Species of Oaks and Chestnuts
The following is a table of the Oak species of the United States:
Oak (Quercus) Miller and Lamb's book, Oaks of North America, published in l985, was used to develop a preliminary list of the oak (Quercus) species found in the United States. This list was modified by comparing it to A California Flora by Philip Munz and Arizona Flora by Kearney and Peebles. (* means that this species is discussed and pictured)
Oaks of Eastern United States (43 species)
Species Common Name Location
*Quercus acutissima Sawtooth Asia - Int. SE USA
*Quercus alba White WI, TX, NY, GA
Quercus arkansana Arkansas Local-AR and AL
*Quercus bicolor Swamp White PA to MO
*Quercus chapmanii Chapman FL
*Quercus coccinea Scarlet CT to AL
Quercus durandi Durand Local: TX to NC
Quer d. breviloba Bigelow TX and Ok
*Quer ellipsoidalis N. Pine WI etc.
*Quercus falcata S. Red VA to La.
*Quer f. pagodifolia Cherrybark Southern Forests
Quercus georgiana Georgia Local, Ga and SC
Quercus ilicifolia Bear MA, PA, etc.
*Quercus imbricaria Shingle MO to OH
Quercus incana BlueJack VA to TX to FL
*Quercus laurifolia Laurel LA to VA to FL
*Quercus laevis Turkey FL, VA, etc.
*Quercus lyrata Overcup NC to TX
*Quer marilandica Blackjack NJ to TX
*Quer macrocarpa Bur ND, TX, OH, etc
*Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut LA to VA
*Quercus muehlenbergii Chinkapin TX, AL, OH, IL
*Quercus myrtifolia Myrtle FL
*Quercus nigra Water NC to TX, etc.
Quercus nuttalli Nuttall LA, AR, & MS
Quer oglethorpensis Oglethorpe Local-GA. and SC
*Quercus palustris Pin OH to MI
*Quercus phellos Willow TX to VA, etc.
*Quercus prinoides Dwarf Chinkapin NY to MI
*Quercus prinus Chestnut TN to PA
Quercus pumila Runner Gulf Coast to VA
*Quercus robur English Europe/Introduced
*Quercus rubra Northern Red MA to MN to AL
*Quercus shumardi Shumard Oak NC to TX
*Quercus s. texana Texas Red Central TX
*Quercus stellata Post TX, MO, FL, VA
*Quer s. margaretta Sand Post Sandy sites
Quer s. paludosa Delta Post Bottomlands
*Quercus virginiana Live TX, Gulf Coast, FL
Quercus v.geminata Sand Live NC to LA
Quer v.fusiformis Texas Live Central TX
Quer v.minima Dwarf Live NC to TX
*Quercus velutina Black IO to MA to GA
West Texas Oaks (9 less 1 Listed Above)
Species Common Name Location
Quer depressipes Mexican Dwarf Local-West TX
Quercus durandi Bigelow Listed Above
Quercus glaucoides Lacey Local - Cent TX
Quercus gravesii Graves Local-West TX
Quer graciliformis Chisos Local-West TX
Quercus hinckleyi Hinckley Local-West TX
Quercus intricata Coahuila Scrub Local-West TX
Quercus pungens Vasey Local - West TX
Quercus tardifolia Lateleaf Local-West TX
Southwest Oaks (16)
Species Common Name Location
Quercus arizonica Arizona White W.TX to AZ & MX
Quer chrysolepis Canyon Live AZ and CA
Quercus dunnii Dunn AZ and S. CA
Quercus emoryi Emory AZ
*Quercus gambeli Gambel UT and CO
Quercus grisea Gray TX, AZ, & NM
Quercus harvardii Shin OK, West TX, NM
Quer hypoleucoides Silverleaf Local-MX NM & AZ
Quercus mohriana Mohr West TX
Quer muehlenbergii Chinkapin Local-West TX NM
Quer oblongifolia Mexican Blue Local-MX & AZ
Quercus pungens Sandpaper Local - S.W. USA
Quercus rugosa Netleaf MX to South USA
Quercus toumeyi Toumey Local S. AZ & MX
Quercus turbinella Shrub Live NM, AZ, and CA
Quercus undulata Wavyleaf AZ and NM
Pacific Coast Oaks (16 less 3 listed above)
Species Common Name Location
*Quercus agrifolia California Live Coast S and C CA
Quercus chrysolepis Canyon Live Listed Above
*Quercus douglasii Blue Central CA
Quercus dunni* Dunn Listed Above
Quercus durata+ Leather CA Mountains
*Quercus dumosa Calif. Scrub Coastal S. CA
*Quercus engelmannii Engleman Local - S. CA
*Quercus garryana Oregon White N. CA to WA
*Quercus kelloggii California Black N. CA
Quercus lobata California White Central CA
Quercus macdonaldi McDonald Pacific Islands
Quercus sadleriana Deer Local,NW/CA,SW/OR
*Quercus tomentella Island Live Pacific Islands
Quercus turbinella# Shrub Live NM, AZ, and CA
Quer vaccinifolia^ Huckleberry N. half CA
*Quercus wislizenii Interior Live Central CA
*Dunn Oak (Quercus dunni) is also called by the synonym of Quercus palmeri.
+Leather Oak (Quercus durata) is mentioned in Miller and Lamb's text as a subspecies of Q. dumosa.
#Quercus turbinella is listed in Miller and Lamb as a sub of Q. dumosa.
^Huckleberry Oak (Quercus vaccinifolia) from C. California to Oregon is listed in Miller and Lamb as a sub of Quercus chrysolepis.
Fagales Order is usually divided into two different families: the birches and the oaks.
Dicots (Dicotyledoneae Class) are the predominant group of vascular plants on earth. With the exception of the grasses (Monocots) and the Conifers (Gymnosperms), most of the larger plants that one encounters are Dicots. Dicots are characterized by having a seed with two outer shell coverings. Some of the more primitive Dicots are the typical hardwood trees (oaks, birches, hickories, etc). The more advanced Dicots include many of the Composite Family flowers like the Dandelion, Aster, Thistles, and Sunflowers. Although many Monocots reach a very high degree of specialization, most botanists feel that the Dicots represent the most advanced group of plants.
Seed plants (Phylum Embryophyta) are generally grouped into one large phylum containing three major classes: the Gymnosperms, the Monocots, and the Dicots. (Some scientists separate the Gymnosperms into a separate phylum and refer to the remaining plants as flowering plants or Angiospermae.)
For North American counts of the number of species in each genus and family, the primary reference has been John T. Kartesz, author of A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland (1994). The geographical scope of his lists include, as part of greater North America, Hawaii, Alaska, Greenland, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Kartesz lists 21,757 species of vascular plants comprising the ferns, gymnosperms and flowering plants as being found in greater North America (including Alaska, Hawaii, Greenland, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands).
There are estimates within the scientific world that about half of the listed North American seed plants were originally native with the balance being comprised of Eurasian and tropical plants that have become established.
Plant kingdom contains a large variety of different organisms including mosses, ferns, and seed plants. Most plants manufacture their energy from sunlight and water. Identification of many species is difficult in that most individual plants have characteristics that have variables based on soil moisture, soil chemistry, and sunlight.
Because of the difficulty in learning and identifying different plant groups, specialists have emerged that study only a limited group of plants. These specialists revise the taxonomy and give us detailed descriptions and ranges of the various species. Their results are published in technical journals and written with highly specialized words that apply to a specific group.
On the other hand, there are the nature publishers. These people and companies undertake the challenging task of trying to provide easy to use pictures and descriptions to identify those species.