This lifeform is found in the oceans near Europe. Parts of this lifeform are edible.
The goosefishes (Family Lophiidae) are marine species found in both tropical and temperate oceans. There are about 10-14 species in this family.
Angler fish, Order Lophiiformes, contains a group of marine fish such as the Batfish, Frogfish, and the Angler fish. In this order many kinds have a "lure" on their dorsal fin which attracts unwary fish to the vicinity.
Bony fish, Class Teleostomi, are a class of chordates that include the majority of fish-like animals found on earth. They are characterized by a bony jaw and a bony skeleton. They are found in both fresh and marine waters.
Backboned Animals (Phylum Chordata) are the most advanced group of animals on earth. These animals are characterized by having a spinal cord or backbone. Most members have a clearly defined brain that controls the organism through a spinal cord. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are in this phylum.
Currently, some taxonomists believe that the fish should be divided into two groups (sharks and regular fishes) and that there are some other primitive groups in the phylum such as hagfish or lampreys.
Animal Kingdom contains numerous organisms that feed on other animals or plants. Included in the animal kingdom are the lower marine invertebrates such as sponges and corals, the jointed legged animals such as insects and spiders, and the backboned animals such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.