This lifeform is found in Europe. This non-native lifeform is now locally established in greater North America.
Silver Birch (Betula pubescens) might be a subspecies of Betula alba.
Betula genus (Birches) is a genus of the northern hemisphere with about 50 to 60 species known worldwide. Kartesz lists 15 species, 16 hybrids, and 19 subspecies as being found in greater North America, including the United States, Canada, Hawaii, Greenland, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Several of the tree species have unusual peeling bark that makes them nice ornamentals. Birch leaves can be of various shapes, but they generally are toothed. European white birch (Betula pendula) is considered established in North America.
Birch Family (Betulaceae) contains about 100 different species usually organized into six different genera. Five of the birch genera are found in the United States. Because of the great interest in this family, included here is a list of the various trees in the Birch family now found the United States and Canada:
*Alnus glutinosa European Alder Introduced USA
Alnus incana (=tenuifolia) Thinleaf Alder NW USA
Alnus incana (ssp rugosa) Speckled Alder East N. America
Alnus maritima Seaside Alder Local in USA
Alnus nepalensis
Alnus oblongifolia Arizona Alder Mexico to Ariz.
Alnus rhombifolia White Alder Pacific NW
*Alnus rubra Red Alder Cal Coast to Alaska
Alnus serrulata Tag Alder SE USA
Alnus viridis (=sinuata) Sitka Alder Pac. NW to Alaska
Alnus viridis ssp crispa Green Alder SE USA
Betula alba European Birch Eur. & Int. USA
*Betula alleghaniensis(lutea)Yellow Birch E. N. America
Betula borealis Northern Birch NE N. America
Betula caerulea-grandis Blue Leaf E. Canada
Betula eastwoodiae Yukon Birch W. Canada
* Betula lenta Sweet, Cherry B
Betula minor Minor Birch Arctic
Betula murrayana
*Betula nana(=michauxii, glandulosa) Dwarf Northern N. Amer.
Betula neoalaskana
*Betula nigra River Birch E. USA
*Betula occidentalis Water Birch West Mountains
*Betula papyrifera Paper Birch North N. America
*Betula pendula Weeping Birch Eur. & Int. USA
*Betula platyphylla
*Betula populifolia Gray Birch E.Canada N.Eng.
*Betula pubescens Silver Birch Eurasia(?)
*Betula pumila Swamp Birch Bogs, widespread
Betula rotundifolia Ground Birch Alaska
Betula uber Virginia Birch Local
Carpinus betulus European Hornbeam Eur. & Int. USA
Caprinus caroliniana American Hornbeam East USA
Corylus americana American Hazel E. N. America
Corylus avellana Corkscrew Hazel Eur. & Int. USA
Corylus cornuta(=rostrata) Beaked Hazel E. N. America
Corylus cornuta ssp calif California Hazel West Coast
Corylus heterophylla
Corylus maxima Giant Filbert Eur. & Int. USA
Ostrya knowlontonii Knowlton Hophornbeam Local West USA
Ostrya virginiana E. Hophornbeam E. USA
Fagales Order is usually divided into two different families: the birches and the oaks.
Dicots (Dicotyledoneae Class) are the predominant group of vascular plants on earth. With the exception of the grasses (Monocots) and the Conifers (Gymnosperms), most of the larger plants that one encounters are Dicots. Dicots are characterized by having a seed with two outer shell coverings. Some of the more primitive Dicots are the typical hardwood trees (oaks, birches, hickories, etc). The more advanced Dicots include many of the Composite Family flowers like the Dandelion, Aster, Thistles, and Sunflowers. Although many Monocots reach a very high degree of specialization, most botanists feel that the Dicots represent the most advanced group of plants.
Seed plants (Phylum Embryophyta) are generally grouped into one large phylum containing three major classes: the Gymnosperms, the Monocots, and the Dicots. (Some scientists separate the Gymnosperms into a separate phylum and refer to the remaining plants as flowering plants or Angiospermae.)
For North American counts of the number of species in each genus and family, the primary reference has been John T. Kartesz, author of A Synonymized Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland (1994). The geographical scope of his lists include, as part of greater North America, Hawaii, Alaska, Greenland, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Kartesz lists 21,757 species of vascular plants comprising the ferns, gymnosperms and flowering plants as being found in greater North America (including Alaska, Hawaii, Greenland, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands).
There are estimates within the scientific world that about half of the listed North American seed plants were originally native with the balance being comprised of Eurasian and tropical plants that have become established.
Plant kingdom contains a large variety of different organisms including mosses, ferns, and seed plants. Most plants manufacture their energy from sunlight and water. Identification of many species is difficult in that most individual plants have characteristics that have variables based on soil moisture, soil chemistry, and sunlight.
Because of the difficulty in learning and identifying different plant groups, specialists have emerged that study only a limited group of plants. These specialists revise the taxonomy and give us detailed descriptions and ranges of the various species. Their results are published in technical journals and written with highly specialized words that apply to a specific group.
On the other hand, there are the nature publishers. These people and companies undertake the challenging task of trying to provide easy to use pictures and descriptions to identify those species.